Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be silent about.
– Viktor Hugo

Kim Morales
Alliance Humaine 2020
Ellie McCall & Peter Avelar
Alien’s Best Friend
Rob T. Strass
Perin Dinekli
“Freedom of Sound”
16 artists from 11 countries – Argentina, France, Germany. Iran, Italy, Mexico, The Nedherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA – have composed a kaleidoscope of voices and musical genres. All inspired in unison by a common goal: to affirm freedom.
In response to media campaigns and political interventions that convey a climate of fear, exclusion and restriction of freedom, A-MAZE-ING music and BHERZT launch a hymn to freedom of expression with the compilation „Freedom of Sound„.
The range goes from Alien’s Best Friend melodic pop to Dario Musso’s denunciation rap and to hip hop by Inspeckta Veg, passing by contemporary folk sonorities by Ordoeuvre and Musik Duenda, to plounge into the soft atmosphere of Rob T. Strass’ dream pop, then into PouRia’s indie dance or Augustin’s blues.
Most artists are professional musicians, some – such as the Turkish-German medical doctor Perin Dinekli, currently targeted by the German justice because of her activism – are citizens committed on the front of freedom of choice.
Produced by A-MAZE-ING music / Matthias Niemyt.
Available as CD or as DOWNLOAD here in our SHOP
Music is the best way that I can communicate with other people.
– Juice WRLD
Music is a thing that changes people’s lives. It has the capacity to make young people’s lives better.
-Noel Gallagher